July 26, 2020

Practice Schedule for first week

Practice schedule this week
Varsity/JV at BEHS
8am to 12 Monday to Thursday
8am to 10am Friday

Freshmen at BEMS
8am to 10am Mon to Friday

Gear (both groups)
Helmets only on Mon and Tues
Helmet and Sh Pads on Wed to Fri.

Helmets will be given out on Mon before practice. Other equip will be given out Tuesday or Wed depending on group.

Also, Make sure to have your own, well marked, water bottle. We will have a filling station but you will have to fill your water bottle and you have to use your own.

We will continue to require the preparticipation survey and sanitizing before entering practice area.

We will require masks to be worn anywhere that we can't social distance.

The most important thing that will protect us from quarantine is if you are feeling sick stay home.
Make sure you communicate that to a coach.

July 21, 2020

Parent Meeting

I have done this video for you instead of attending the parent meeting this year.  Please watch it and fill out the attendance form in the link above.

Also,  Please make sure that if you son misses practice that he communicates it with one of the coaches.  They have our phone numbers and they can contact us on The Band.

Parent Meeting

July 20, 2020

Practice Begins July 27th

Practice Begins July 27th

Where: Varsity/JV (10th-12th graders) are at high school
             Freshmen are at Middle School

When: Varsity/JV 8am to noon
            Freshmen 8 to 10am

What to wear: Monday-Tues PE attire, cleats and helmet, Wed-Thurs Helmet, shouder pads, cleats and shorts

July 7, 2020


All players are required to get their physical exam by a doctor each year.  I have included a link at the top of this webpage, and on this page, for the required form. There are 3 pages that need to be filled out, first and last pages are to be filled out and signed by player and parents and the other page is the Doctor's form that he/she needs to fill out and sign.

Physical paperwork

Physical is due before 1st Game of season.  Does not have to be completed before camp.