August 19, 2020

Schedule changes

 This year we have already had a few schedule changes with the Freshmen games.  All changes will be relayed through the coaches to players.  They will also be updated here on the link above.  That schedule will be the most up to date schedule we have.

August 11, 2020

Tickets for Friday's game

Tickets must be purchased before the game on Friday to attend.  Here is the link.  

Box Elder v Kearns

August 6, 2020

Purple and White check in

For those coming to the football purple and white game... here is the Covid Contact Tracing form for you to fill out. It needs to be filled out to enter the event. We are not selling tickets to this event so this form is all that needs to be completed. You will then check in at the gate on Friday. Attached are also the football protocols. We need to add seating will be every other row. This will be true for Friday’s Purple and White game. Thank you for helping us follow these protocols so that we can continue to have events.

August 4, 2020

Register my athlete tutorial

Most of  the parents have been able to get online and register their son but there are still a few that haven't.  I made this tutorial to make it easier for first timers or as a review for those that need it.

Click here for the tutorial

August 2, 2020


Parents please go to and register your son for football (if you haven't already).  The administration doesn't want you to pay your fees yet.

I created a tutorial for the registermyathlete for first timers or just a reminder.
Register my athlete tutorial