May 25, 2009

7on7 Practices

Tuesday May 26 3:00 - 4:10
Thursday May 28 3:00 - 4:10
Tuesday June 2 3:00 - 4:10

Wednesday June 3 will be a practice/competition with Davis High. We will start at 4pm at the football field.

Coach G: Today vs. Davis was our first opportunity to compete (our first step together). Defensively, we played man and I saw guys competing. I was impressed with our ability to keep working to improve. We need to work on our communication, which will allow us to work together and become a force. Offensively, we are learning the plays and executed them well. We moved the ball. We need to become consistent by understanding the basic concept of the play, whether it is a 3 step, 5 step or sprint out. Overall, I expect more enthusiasm/excitement as a team. We have a lot of work to do but I am excited about our team!

Saturday June 6 will be a tournament at Weber County Fairgrounds beginning at 9 am. It will go most of the day.

May 12, 2009

Parent Meeting Monday May 18

2009 Box Elder Football Parent Meeting Information

Thank you to all those who came to the meeting Monday. It was exciting for me to see the support!!
Where: High School Gym
When: Monday May 18 at 7:00pm
Who: Parent or Parents of a 2009 Box Elder Football player
Items to be covered
-athletic forms to sign
-general summer schedule and information
-expectations of players, parents, and coaches

May 5, 2009

Football 2009

All football players are expected to be great students. The minimum to participate in football at Box Elder is a 2.0 gpa and no F’s in your last trimester, which is the 3rd trimester. All “U’s” must be made up before you can play football.

Parent Meeting
May 18 at 7pm
This is to set the expectations for players, parents, coaches and fans. There will be forms to be filled out, we will discuss the summer schedule, we will explain goals and direction of the program, and solicit parent support for the many tasks that need to be accomplished to have a successful football program and provide an outstanding experience for these young men.

June: Daily at 7:00am – 9:00am at weight room and fields (7:00 Jr & Sr, 8:00 So & Fr)
Sports Camps , Family Vacations, and Religious Camps are top priority in June. The weight room will be open in the mornings from 7-9, Mon - Fri. If you are in town we want you to be working on your strength. If you are not in town we want you to enjoy your vacation. There will also be 7on7 practices and tournaments.

July Conditioning: $50
July 6-Aug 7. Daily, Mon-Fri, at Box Elder weight room, which is on the gym balcony, and fields. Conditioning is vital to your success as a football player. You need to take it seriously.
Begin date: July 6th at 7:00am on the main field. Bring your own water, cleats and gym shoes.
Daily schedule: 7:00 Jrs and Srs, 8:00 So and Fr, (except July 6th –everyone meets)

Team Camp: $80
July 13-17 at Football Field. 7am - 9am and 11am - 1pm.
This Camp is an opportunity for everyone to learn the Offense and Defense. It is a full contact camp. The emphasis will be on the basic fundamentals of Box Elder Football. There will be individual sessions as well as team sessions. This is also an opportunity for the coaches to evaluate all players. This is the time when you have a chance to perform and show the coaches what you can do. We will also be traveling to Davis High for a scrimmage and BBQ on Thursday evening.

Two -a-day practices:
Aug.10– Aug. 18 Daily at 8:00 -10:00 am and 6:00 - 8:00pm. These practices are mandatory. This if full contact practice for our first game on Aug. 21 vs. Weber

$95 Box Elder District Participation Fee
$50 Summer Conditioning Fee
$80 Team Camp
$20 7 on 7 Fee