Tuesday May 26 3:00 - 4:10
Thursday May 28 3:00 - 4:10
Tuesday June 2 3:00 - 4:10
Wednesday June 3 will be a practice/competition with Davis High. We will start at 4pm at the football field.
Coach G: Today vs. Davis was our first opportunity to compete (our first step together). Defensively, we played man and I saw guys competing. I was impressed with our ability to keep working to improve. We need to work on our communication, which will allow us to work together and become a force. Offensively, we are learning the plays and executed them well. We moved the ball. We need to become consistent by understanding the basic concept of the play, whether it is a 3 step, 5 step or sprint out. Overall, I expect more enthusiasm/excitement as a team. We have a lot of work to do but I am excited about our team!
Saturday June 6 will be a tournament at Weber County Fairgrounds beginning at 9 am. It will go most of the day.