October 4, 2020

Games this week

 Tuesday Freshmen play 6pm at Wasatch

Thursday JV home 3:30 vs Bonneville

Friday 7pm at Bonneville

September 20, 2020

Game time changes

 Game Changes this week.

Varsity game on Friday at Bountiful has changed to 3:30pm.

Freshmen Game on Wednesday has changed to 4pm and it is at home against West Jordan.

JV home game Thursday has changed to 4:30 pm.

August 19, 2020

Schedule changes

 This year we have already had a few schedule changes with the Freshmen games.  All changes will be relayed through the coaches to players.  They will also be updated here on the link above.  That schedule will be the most up to date schedule we have.

August 11, 2020

Tickets for Friday's game

Tickets must be purchased before the game on Friday to attend.  Here is the link.  

Box Elder v Kearns

August 6, 2020

Purple and White check in

For those coming to the football purple and white game... here is the Covid Contact Tracing form for you to fill out. It needs to be filled out to enter the event. We are not selling tickets to this event so this form is all that needs to be completed. You will then check in at the gate on Friday. Attached are also the football protocols. We need to add seating will be every other row. This will be true for Friday’s Purple and White game. Thank you for helping us follow these protocols so that we can continue to have events. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSchZupotWdkqY5KvU_Qfr0vntrvFaPNmDw28TSAbiesXfvfPw/viewform?usp=sf_link

August 4, 2020

Register my athlete tutorial

Most of  the parents have been able to get online and register their son but there are still a few that haven't.  I made this tutorial to make it easier for first timers or as a review for those that need it.

Click here for the tutorial

August 2, 2020


Parents please go to www.registermyathlete.com and register your son for football (if you haven't already).  The administration doesn't want you to pay your fees yet.

I created a tutorial for the registermyathlete for first timers or just a reminder.
Register my athlete tutorial

July 26, 2020

Practice Schedule for first week

Practice schedule this week
Varsity/JV at BEHS
8am to 12 Monday to Thursday
8am to 10am Friday

Freshmen at BEMS
8am to 10am Mon to Friday

Gear (both groups)
Helmets only on Mon and Tues
Helmet and Sh Pads on Wed to Fri.

Helmets will be given out on Mon before practice. Other equip will be given out Tuesday or Wed depending on group.

Also, Make sure to have your own, well marked, water bottle. We will have a filling station but you will have to fill your water bottle and you have to use your own.

We will continue to require the preparticipation survey and sanitizing before entering practice area.

We will require masks to be worn anywhere that we can't social distance.

The most important thing that will protect us from quarantine is if you are feeling sick stay home.
Make sure you communicate that to a coach.

July 21, 2020

Parent Meeting

I have done this video for you instead of attending the parent meeting this year.  Please watch it and fill out the attendance form in the link above.

Also,  Please make sure that if you son misses practice that he communicates it with one of the coaches.  They have our phone numbers and they can contact us on The Band.

Parent Meeting

July 20, 2020

Practice Begins July 27th

Practice Begins July 27th

Where: Varsity/JV (10th-12th graders) are at high school
             Freshmen are at Middle School

When: Varsity/JV 8am to noon
            Freshmen 8 to 10am

What to wear: Monday-Tues PE attire, cleats and helmet, Wed-Thurs Helmet, shouder pads, cleats and shorts

July 7, 2020


All players are required to get their physical exam by a doctor each year.  I have included a link at the top of this webpage, and on this page, for the required form. There are 3 pages that need to be filled out, first and last pages are to be filled out and signed by player and parents and the other page is the Doctor's form that he/she needs to fill out and sign.

Physical paperwork

Physical is due before 1st Game of season.  Does not have to be completed before camp.

June 24, 2020

Summer Team Camp

What an exciting time of year, Team Camp is coming up on July 13-17.  There is a link at the top of the page with more information. It links to the camp waiver, which can be printed and signed by parents or you can go to the link to the online waiver and parents can e-sign. The link includes a link to pay for camp online or you can pay at the BEHS office. 

The waiver needs to be signed and fee paid before 1st day of camp.  Thank you.

If you have any questions please contact Coach Gunter.

June 1, 2020

7on7 Schedule

7on7 Schedule - because of the covid-19 precautions we cannot attend 7on7 tournaments but we are allowed to play individual teams. Based on that here is our schedule for June.
Wednesday June 10 5pm at Preston, Idaho and 6pm at West Side, Idaho
Tuesday June 16 6:30pm at Bear River (Freshmen also)
Tuesday June 23 8am at Weber High (Freshmen also)

Our preparticipation survey and social distancing precautions are still in place. Also, we cannot take a bus or suburban with players. So players will have to get their own way there.

May 28, 2020

Summer Schedule

Team conditioning Monday -Thursday Mornings, starts Monday June 1st at BEHS
Seniors and Juniors 7 to 8:15am
Sophomores and Freshmen 8 to 9:15am

July 13-17 Team Camp at BEHS

July 27 Fall Practice Begins

August 14 First Varsity Game vs. Kearns

August 20 First JV/Soph/Freshmen games vs. Green Canyon

May 21, 2020

2020 Summer Guidelines and Questionnaire

Parents, please read summer guidelines and then e-sign.  The links are also above.
 Summer Guidelines  and Parent E-signature

Here is the link to the Preparticipation questionnaire that needs to be filled out each time we get together.  It is also located above for easier navigation.

Preparticipation Questionnaire

January 6, 2020

Off Season Training

Weight Room is open Monday, Tuesday and Thursday after school from 3 to 4pm to get your workout if you are not in a Strength Training Class this trimester.

Also, all Football Players that are not in a winter sport are welcome and encouraged to join and workout with the Indoor Track Team.